Our architectural office offers these following services:
- construction project,
- architectural projects,
- house projects,
- service buildings projects,
- industrial technology projects (agreement with the appraiser),
- expansions,
- the energy performance certificate,
- surveyors maps for design purposes, etc.
- cooperation with all construction sectors for example: Surveyors, installers, geologists.
We provide help and assistance in obtaining all necessary approvals, opinions and authorizations. In particular:
- checking the legal status of the property,
- providing help dealing with all kinds of local government units,
- zoning decisions,
- sketches and excerpts from local zoning plans,
- building permits,
- ensuring delivery of media,
- good technical performance of connections,
- off away from agricultural production,
- technical conditions of entry and exit from the pubic road,
- a use permit,
- a notice of completion of works,
- preparation of documentation for the District inspector of the building,
- inspector of building supervision.